That is just a little taste at why the gospel is the most important and significant message ever. I can’t think of anything greater, simpler, and yet more difficult to explain. The gospel does so much for the individual… it redeems, reconciles, purges, cleanses, unites us (to God and to a people), justifies, sanctifies, glorifies, propitiates, regenerates, and makes our hearts beat. The gospel is life and nothing else will ever give life. This is why we preach for it is what we live for... because the gospel has given us breath.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
The Hardest Blog for Me to Write
You would think that writing about something that is so central to my life wouldn’t be that difficult, but for some reason this blog has been a challenge. It’s hard to approach such a worthy, valuable, and pure message as this one. I can remember the first time I heard it, how it changed my life. How I had thought I knew the message quite well, but as it turned out had never even heard of it up until my freshmen year of college. Some may know of this message and its power. Some may think they know it. No matter, we all have heard of it in some form or fashion. The gospel has affected millions throughout history it showcases one of the greatest acts in human history (whether you actually believe the gospel or not). The gospel has been at the heart of so many controversies and wars and protests and debates. I often wonder if people have thought about what the actual message means. We often plague it with religion and Christianity like it is a bug that constantly keeps festering us, but you can never swat away. Some people treat it as a way to get rich quickly or to get money from other people. Some say that it is just a fairy tale and could never be true. No matter, this single word has shaped so much of history and for good reason.
The gospel is the most important and significant message ever. That’s it. You may ask how do I know this? Well I'm glad you asked… the gospel says more truth about our world than any of us can imagine. We are not talking about mere fairy tales but actual reality. The world is in rebellion. Rebellion from God, everything that the world does is in opposition to Him! And because of this God has every right to pour out His wrath on all of mankind. So many people think that in order for God to be loving He cannot be angry or have any hatred. Such a view is foolish, in order for anyone to love their must be anger and hatred else you don’t have love. For instance in order for one to love children they must hate everything that goes against it (like child abuse and abortion). God must be righteous and must judge rightly. There would seem to be no escape from His wrath! Yet, there is… there shouldn’t be, but there is. God being rich in love and mercy has sent a way out of His wrath and that is Christ. Christ hung on a tree and bore our sins! He took our hell. He who knew no sin became sin on our behalf. What glorious news. This fixes everything… if only we repent and entrust everything to Christ. Faith is simply relying upon something and we must rely upon Christ if there is to be any hope. For Christ’s crucifixion is not just story, but reality. He died! He shed his blood for evil, wicked, and sinful people like us! We deserve so much wrath, and yet Christ came and took it.
That is just a little taste at why the gospel is the most important and significant message ever. I can’t think of anything greater, simpler, and yet more difficult to explain. The gospel does so much for the individual… it redeems, reconciles, purges, cleanses, unites us (to God and to a people), justifies, sanctifies, glorifies, propitiates, regenerates, and makes our hearts beat. The gospel is life and nothing else will ever give life. This is why we preach for it is what we live for... because the gospel has given us breath.
That is just a little taste at why the gospel is the most important and significant message ever. I can’t think of anything greater, simpler, and yet more difficult to explain. The gospel does so much for the individual… it redeems, reconciles, purges, cleanses, unites us (to God and to a people), justifies, sanctifies, glorifies, propitiates, regenerates, and makes our hearts beat. The gospel is life and nothing else will ever give life. This is why we preach for it is what we live for... because the gospel has given us breath.
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